DONATE | Please support Abandoned Blogs

As you can probably imagine, the Abandoned Blogs Project takes hours upon countless hours to maintain, lay out, complete, and promote these blogs.  We sacrifice our families, our jobs, our sleep, and our health to log these hours to promote the small press, because it fulfills something in us that we can't name.  We hope it does the same for you.  If you've got a little spare change in your pocket, please help us out.  Just a few dollars goes a long way.  No amount is too small, and certainly no amount is too big.  

We thank you.

Via mail: Send well-concealed cash, check, or money order, made out to ANGSTMAN ARTS, to Alternating Current, PO Box 183, Palo Alto CA 94302 USA.

You DO NOT need to have a Paypal account to use the link above.  Click the "Donate" button, scroll down to where it says "Don't have a Paypal account?" and click "Continue."